Yep, that describes my morning.
Caleb had his 5th grade graduation and most of it was boring UNTIL the kids all sang a song about leaving Chisholm and going to middle school to the tune of fireflies and then I lost it. It was more than just eyes watering. I was trying to hold it together so I wouldn't embarrass Caden, Cali and Chris. However there were moments when I was on the verge of the ugly cry.
He just turned 11 yesterday and now he choses not to be in elementary school anymore. I am going to be a complete mess come August.
Somehow overnight he turned from this adorable 17 month old baby
7 years ago
I can't imagine 5th grade graduation! I cried at the end of 1st grade, 3 year old class and nursery class!! Time is going by so fast!
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