Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Better Late Than Never

I FINALLY remembered to put the kids school and sports photos on here. I am only a few months late. I will blame it on the pregnancy. Actually I am just too lazy. It is so easy to just click on pictures that are already on the computer instead of having to scan these. Oh well!

Here is Caden's soccer picture. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! I think she looks so sweet and innocent like a little porcelain doll.

Caden's Sonshine School picture. I know she is not wearing "fall attire." However, in my defense I did have something picked out but the day of the photo was SO HOT I decided against making my child suffer just so her outfit would match the background.

Caleb's baseball picture. Ever since Caleb lost some teeth (which has ONLY been 4) he has forgotten how to smile on command. I think this is actually one of his better forced smile pictures.

Old Swollen Man Stuck in the Recliner

Seriously that is EXACTLY how I feel!!! After our 5+ hour drive back from Hot Springs on Saturday my feet were really swollen so I just propped them up and they were fine in the morning. So on Sunday I decided to wear these boots (as pictured). I actually changed into a less pointy pair with a thicker heel before I left the house. I don't think it would have mattered either way. I took those boots off when I got home from lunch and it was SO GROSS!! I had never seen my feet and legs look like that! We had planned on going shopping for a leather rocking recliner that afternoon. For some reason I decided I would wear my tennis shoes instead of a pair of flip flops like I wear every other day. We were gone all day and went straight to church that evening. When I got to church I pulled up my pant legs and saw this really nasty site. I had just thought they looked swollen that morning. OH MY GOSH!!! They looked like swollen old man legs. They were swollen up to my calves. So I propped my feet up all night and they were almost back to normal on Monday morning.

I had my (almost) 37 week doctors appt on Monday. I am still 50% effaced, but I am now at a 3. This is EXACTLY where I was with the other 2 kids. I was at a 2 at 36, 3 at 37, 4 at 38, and then STILL a 4 at 39, which is why I was induced with both of them. If you read previous post you will know I am NOT getting induced this time (unless she doesn't come by her due date).

I asked my doctor about all the swelling since I never had it this bad with Caleb and barely any with Caden. My blood pressure is still very low so she thinks I am just on my feet too much and need to relax more. So last night I tried to relax in the new recliner. After the kids went to bed we starting watching the shows that recorded earlier. The first time I tried to get out of the chair I was STUCK!! I physically could not get out by myself. I guess I was so sore and tired I could not even sit up. My belly is getting way big to move in that direction. My really cool flexibility was no help either. After Chris got done laughing at me he finally helped me out.

Oh and here is a funny picture. This is what you get when your 4 year old insists on taking a picture.

Is this really how I look to her at this angle??? Oh my poor child!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Pregnancy Update 36 weeks

I had my doctors appointment this morning. Today was the first day I was checked. I will be 36 weeks in 2 days, but I am measuring 38 weeks. I am at a 2 and 50% effaced. Since I started to dilate early with Caleb and Caden and still had to be induced at 39 weeks my doctor wasn't real concerned. She said I could still go to Hot Springs for Thanksgiving, but told me to take it REALLY EASY while I was there.

However sometime in the next few weeks I still have to finish (START and finish) all my x-mas shopping. What a crazy few weeks this is going to be.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Baby Shower

Here is the adorable cake from my baby shower about a week ago. Isn't it cute! Sarah McBride made it. So if you ever need a cute one you should call her!

Several of my friends have been asking me since the summer what I wanted to do for my shower. At first I immediately said I didn't want one since it was my 3rd baby, but later I gave in since I really didn't have anything. I am glad I did. It was such a nice shower and I think everyone had a great time. It was hosted by my friends Lynda, Melanie and Christy.

Here is a picture of us.

We had it at Old Chicago. Several of my friends told me how much fun they had and that we should have showers at restaurants more often. In my honor, Lynda even had some games for us to play.

Here is the picture of everyone together.

I got some really nice gifts and had a great time with my friends. I got about 5 packages of diapers (YEA!!!) several personalized items (love those), and so much more!! For those of you that don't live here and wont get to see us using all this great stuff, here are a few pics.

To make the day even better, the afternoon of my shower I got a big box on the porch from Target. It was my car seat stroller combo that my mom and grandma got me. AWE - thanks I LOVE IT and can't wait to see her in it!

Thanks again to Lynda, Melanie and Christy for hosting my shower and for my friends that were able to come to my shower. You all made me feel so special and I can't wait to show off my little angel Cali.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Playing Catch Up

It seems as if we are always so busy. Even now that baseball and soccer are over it just seems so crazy. I guess I am just trying to make sure that everything is ready for the baby. I think I FINALLY have everything I need for her so she can come anytime. (more on that in the next post.) Anytime after Dec 14th that is!! There are several activities and parties in Dec that I need to be a part of and I would rather go to them looking like crap because I am about to have a baby and not because I just had one. I have planned a girls only Christmas party on the 4th, our bible class is having a Christmas party on the 8th, Caleb's school program on the 13th and then Chris's work party on the 14th. I think Chris's party is going to be formal or at least very dressy! HA. Lets see what I look like all dressed up at 39 weeks!

The kids are always saying interesting things that sometimes I wish I can record every conversation so I wont forget them. The other day Caleb said "mom, when I get older and start driving I will take Caden places that she needs to go if you and dad are busy." I told him "Can I get that in writing?" I explained that he will want to do that at the beginning and then after a while he is going to hate having to drive his sisters around. He doesn't think so!

Everyone knows how much Caden loves to dress up like a princess, well apparently she has gotten some mixed messages. The other day she wanted to wear her princess dress and we wouldn't let her. I don't remember why, maybe it was about time for bed or church. Anyway she got really upset and said that she wanted to be a princess so she could be pretty. She went on to explain that she is not ever pretty UNLESS she is a princess. Chris said "mommy is pretty and she is not a princess." Caden replied with "no, she's not."

Caden has had a runny nose the past few days as well as most kids I am sure. This morning we were in the car and she said "mommy I need a Kleenex my nose is running out of boogers."

Monday, November 5, 2007

Pregnancy Update 34 weeks

Here is a picture of me from yesterday. I look mad in this picture, but I wasn't. We tried to take another one but then the battery died and never took another one - oh well!

I had another doctors appointment this morning. Everything is still going great. I will be 34 weeks on Wednesday. (All this time I thought my due date was the 20th, my doc said they actually have me on the 19th - everyday helps right!)

I am measuring almost 35 weeks. I will be checked (to see if I am dilated) at my next appointment on Mon Nov 19th. Today they asked me if I have been feeling any contractions yet - not that I am aware of. Of course I got to a 4 with Caleb before I felt a thing, so who knows. With Caden I was already almost a 2 at 35 weeks and was still stuck at a 4 at 39 weeks so they induced me. With this one I don't want to be induced. I want to have the excitement of going on my own. However, for several reasons I don't want to go past my due date. For one thing I don't want to have a harder time getting a bigger baby out. Secondly I don't want to be in the hospital that close to Christmas. However the main reason is that my niece Trinity was born on the 21st. For everyone who knows the situation will understand why I can't have mine on that day. It will be too hard for everyone in my family and of course that outweighs my desire to go on my own.

I very briefly told my doctor the situation with my niece and she immediately said how sorry she was for me and my family, but also said, ok I am calling the hospital right now. She said there will be lots of people wanting to have their baby before Christmas. So I am scheduled for Dec 19th at 5:30 am if I don't go on my own. This way if they get really full and inductions have to be delayed I will have a little cushion. I love my doctor! She is so sweet. I go to Margaret Hall. Her office is over by Lakeside Renaissance. If anyone is looking for one she is awesome!

Those of you who may not have known me very well a few years ago probably don't know about my niece Trinity. Here is the website that my older niece Alyssa created for her little sister.

This website chronicles the short, buy very precious 5 weeks of her life.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Changing Table

Here is an odd thing for a blog post, but I am in need of a changing table. I am borrowing a crib from a friend and was suppose to borrow the changing table as well, but she decided she needs it for shelving for toys/storage etc. So if anyone (who lives here) has one in good condition or knows of someone who has one that I can buy or borrow please let me know. I just found out tonight and of course am running out of garage sale time to find me a good deal! Thanks!!!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Caden decided yesterday afternoon that since she had already been Tinkerbell 4 times she wanted to wear her Sleeping Beauty dress. It had actually only been 3 times (in the last 4 days), but of course I let her. She got this Sleeping Beauty dress for her birthday back in August and she wears is ALL THE TIME!!! She wears it at least 3-5 days a week. She only has it on for an hour or so but she obviously loves it! I am surprised she is not tired of it yet.

So last night we went with our friends The Richardson's (Zach and Ethan's parents) over to some of their friends house The Oaks. We had such a good time. We had tortilla soup, chili, corn bread, hot apple cider and hot chocolate. YUM YUM!! After dinner all the kids and the dads went out trick or treating. The moms got to stay behind and give out candy. I hadn't done that since Caden was 2 months old. It was kind of nice!

Here are some pictures from last night.

These next few pictures I just think are too cute and funny not to put in here. Caden kept trying to chase Chris around when he was trying to take a picture of her. So this is what he got. They are really funny!

Overall this Halloween has been great. Last night they got probably double the candy they already had from the past 5 days. Seriously, that can't be good for me! What a crazy week it has been! Very fun, but very busy! I need to relax!!