Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dogs in Public and the Stranger in Leather

Ok, I know that sounds like a really bizarre title. However, this morning at Ross that is what I encountered. I am walking through Ross minding my own business when this lady calls out to me and asks "How does this look?' She was trying on a VERY UGLY leather jacket. I didn't want to just flat out lie to her, so I was thinking of what to say. Then she said "well does it go with my hair." I immediately said "yes, it does match your hair." Good, I didn't have to lie. Seriously the ugly brownish orange tint in this hideous black jacket did match her nasty over processed orangish, brownish, grayish hair.

Now about the dog. Since when are dogs allowed in stores? When I was leaving, this lady just walks in the store carrying this dog and no one says anything to her. I was thinking hey lady, this is not Petsmart and you are not blind.


Sarah said...

Were you at the Ross in Edmond? If so, I"m not surprised. I have women bring their "cute little dogs" in my shop all the time. I find it irritating, but don't know how to tell customers to keep them out!!

And then they look annoyed when Brenna freaks out about the dog.

Amanda said...

Dogs are allowed everywhere here. Even in restraunts, but not grocery stores. Go figure.

K said...

Oh c'mon, I know you tried on that jacket too. :-)