Friday, December 21, 2007

Home from the Hospital - AGAIN

First of all we are all doing wonderful - now!! Cali has been totally healthy from the beginning, but I had some issues. The anesthesiologist messed up my epidural the first time and I got a "wet tap." I had no idea what that meant at first, all I knew is that he was going to have to do the whole process over again. ( I was told a wet tap is when the needle penetrates the spinal sac and enters the spinal fluid. In itself, it is not dangerous. Because the epidural needle is larger than the spinal needle, the hole in the spinal sack may continue to leak and not seal itself off immediately. This causes a spinal fluid leak - or wet tap. This causes very severe headaches.)

That was an understatement. The last few days I have had the worst headache I have ever had in my life. It didn't just stay in the head either. It went all around my head, and felt like it was shooting down my neck and back. It hurt to move, to sit up, and basically it hurt to do anything besides breathe.

The doctor apologized several times and said that it had been over 3 years since that happened to him. I guess he was trying to make himself feel better. Anyway so this morning since it wasn't any better I went back to the hospital and they gave me what they call a "blood patch." (This procedure involves taking a small amount of blood from a vein in your arm and injecting it into your back in the epidural space. The blood clots and "patches" the hole.)

Now I feel so much better and I can enjoy my sweet bundle of joy!!! Here are just a few of the over 200 pictures we have already!!!

The picture above of my 3 angels was taken on Wed evening. The others were taken as we were leaving the hospital to come home.

In my first post about Cali we didn't mention much, but she is so strong and healthy. When they were trying to get her measurements she grabbed a hold of their measuring tape and she tore it in half. She is already a really good baby and doesn't cry too much. She only cries when she is hungry or when we change her diaper. She has really big hands and long feet.

We initially only planned to stay one night in the hospital, but due to the headaches we stayed the 2nd night. At about 7:30 our nurse was told to ask us if we would mind switching rooms. Apparently they were starting to become full and had a few that were going to come in the next few hours. They wanted to move me to a room a few doors down that was a regular room not a labor room. I didn't mind since the kids weren't planning on coming back up before we left. When the guy brought our last load of stuff over they gave up 2 huge boxes of diapers as a thanks for moving. I thought that was nice of them.


Lesley said...

Congratulations DeeDee, she is so cute!! I hope you are feeling better now- I cant wait to see her!

Chrissey said...

Man...I'm so sorry about the headaches! You should get a discount from your anesthiologist or something! Cali is sooo cute! I love that last picture! I hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas!

Chrissey said...

Okay...I have a problem...I keep coming back to your blog to look at your adorable baby!! I want to hold her again!

The Davidsons said...

Congrats! She is sooo cute. Glad both of you are doing well!